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How to Donate

For most of us, when we make charitable donations it gives us that "Warm Glow" effect. Giving to others, activates regions of the brain associated with pleasure, social connections and trust, the "Warm Glow" effect. It represents a chance to pass along to others. Those who support White County Special Olympics share in our mission, vision and values.


A charitable gift to White County Special Olympics will ensure that our work of empowering individuals with intellectual disabilities to become physically fit, productive and respected members of society through sports training and competition continues long into the future.

Kroger Community Rewards

If you shop at Kroger or Payless, helping our cause just became the easiest thing you didn't know you were doing.  Clicking on the link below will take you to Kroger Community Rewards site dedicated to giving back to the community just for people shopping at Kroger/Payless.  To register for White County Special Olympics follow the instructions below.

  • Go to and Sign In or Create Account (if new member) in the upper right corner under the person symbol with "sign in" under it.

  • Under Kroger Community Rewards- choose Enroll or Edit

  • Enter Organization Number IF376 or select SPECIAL OLYMPICS INDIANA - WHITE COUNTY

  • To verify you are enrolled correctly, look for "Are you a Customer looking to enroll" and click "See more details and enroll today.

  • It should show you a Community Rewards Donation Summary.

  • Please contact us with any questions

  • Click for complete instructions (English/Spanish)

Check or Cash?

Prefer the old fashion way of donating?  Get in contact with us and we will happily work out details for check and cash donations.


Checks can be sent to:

White County Special Olympics

PO Box 962

Monticello, In 47960



*all donations are tax deductable

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